Thursday, August 10, 2006

London or Bust??

Sooooo as of right now I'm still going. . .although my mom is ready to cancel so we'll see whether or not we actually go. If she does decide against it I'm putting up a hissy fit for myself to go. And if not I'll be able to spend a week with my parents! What joy!!!!! If not, then I'll be able to walk through Heathrow with a clear plastic bag full of tampons! Yay!!

1 comment:

bto said...

Haha, so they checked all my carry-on baggage as I walked in the gate to the plane. Make sure you find a really awkward, old, and ethnic man to go through your belongings. I'm sure the reaction to a pretty pink, plastic-wrapped cylinder will be priceless. Unless he's experienced. Then, well, damn, don't you feel uncomfortable now :)